Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Wednesday is the wake from 2 p.m.-8 p.m.Located @ Mount Auburn4101 S. Oak Park AveStickney IL 60402
Thursday at 10 am is the Chapel Service for the burial.

Thank you for all the people willing to attend tomorrow or thursday.

click the link below and go see the biography of Bruce J Parker

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is the diagnosis

Thanks for all who have prayed for Grandpa Parker. Here is what happened yesterday. He has pancreatic cancer a tumor on his pancreas that is 3x2 size (which is large) and spots on his liver and has entered the blood vessels (I think). It is a fast moving cancer. He is terminal. On a good day he could live for 6 months (the doctor said) but, he has given this diagnoses to others before and some have lived for 3 weeks or for a number of years. He will start chemo after the holidays to help control some of the cancer. After the chemo they will take a cell count to see how his body is responding they will try other things if he doesn't respond well but after they try those things and his body will not respond there will be nothing they can do. He was encouraged to eat, eat and eat. I think he has lost 4-6 lbs in the last month. He doesn't have a good appetite and his blood sugar can go so low that he gets real bad shakes. (He is not very vocal when this happens). So you can pray for more time to be able to visit, and that he will be comfortable and not in pain and that we all get to talk a lot before he goes to heaven.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please pray

Today is the day Grandpa Parker is going to the doctor at 3:00 p.m. if you happen to come across this please pray for the following: That there will be a treatment worth taking for his cancer, pray that there could be a human error and he wouldn't have cancer, (somehow his primary care doctor didn't even have his results from the er) pray that his newest grandbaby would be able to have a relationship with his grandpa and have time to get to know each other. Pray that Malachi Bruce James Parker would be able to celebrate his 1st birthday with his grandpa Bruce James Parker and his birthday which is in January, too. Thank you so much for praying and Thank you Jesus that Malchi was named after his grandpa and thank you that Bruce Jr is going to the doctor with them. Pray for his wife Barbara that she would be able to handle everything or help us to find a way to help them. Thanks so much!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanks for answered prayer!!

I am thankful to God for answering an unspoken prayer. God is so great and awesome and faithful. He is a great God and worthy to be praised. Thank you so much God!! Thank you for the prayer warriors too!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thankful for my church!

Getting an early start for Thanksgiving so here goes; I am thankful for my church, I am thankful for the wonderful support to be a good parent and wife, I am especially grateful for Miss Julie and for all of her wonderful Godly advice, Thank you Miss Julie for always being there for me you will never know how much that means to me!! I am thankful for Pastor Dave who is there in the good times and the uncertain times. I am thankful for the time that they have to sacrifice to help me and my family. I am thankful for the church family, they are so kind to me. Thanks for all the nursery workers so, I could be in church. I am thankful for Jeremy and Sabrina thanks for helping my teenagers and thanks for all the effort put forth and your kind hearts. Thanks for all the church members who have ever helped me in any way. Thank you Jesus for sending your Son to die on the cross for our sins so, we could have eternal life.!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Calling all parents!

Okay thought I would ask all the parents. Yesterday we get a wonderful message from the High School the janitors found "bomb threat" written on the bathroom walls. They told us they did a check and found nothing. My questions to all the parents do you send you kids to school? I know most of you homeschool but I still welcome your thoughts. We have already had our ups and down this year already. My son's calculator of $130.00 was stolen. Policeman acted like I'm nuts for having to ask about this seeing it wasn't registered. Daughter tells me much later she saw a kid with a gun in his pants. Asked her what she did she said run away. All I could ask of everyone is to say a prayer that Jeremy can get into the school with his program

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kids say the cutest things!

I just have to share this with all of you. Nathan is so funny! We were done dropping the kids off to school and Nathan saw some laundry hanging on the line outside. He said, mom look at that nice garage sale. This kid cracks me up!! Then there was the ugly time he was having a meltdown because he needed to take a nap and after a long time he finally settled down and said, Don't tell anyone that I threw a fit. Ahh, then there is Malachi. He likes to see how many times his mama can put him down only to cry again. The problem is mama doesn't have long enough arms to comfortably put him in the crib & if I lower the crib rails it makes too much noise to lock the rail in.
Forget it if he falls asleep in the car he usually wakes up to get into the house and if that doesn't happen someone is usually in his face trying to say hi. I think he is teething though.