Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kids say the cutest things!

I just have to share this with all of you. Nathan is so funny! We were done dropping the kids off to school and Nathan saw some laundry hanging on the line outside. He said, mom look at that nice garage sale. This kid cracks me up!! Then there was the ugly time he was having a meltdown because he needed to take a nap and after a long time he finally settled down and said, Don't tell anyone that I threw a fit. Ahh, then there is Malachi. He likes to see how many times his mama can put him down only to cry again. The problem is mama doesn't have long enough arms to comfortably put him in the crib & if I lower the crib rails it makes too much noise to lock the rail in.
Forget it if he falls asleep in the car he usually wakes up to get into the house and if that doesn't happen someone is usually in his face trying to say hi. I think he is teething though.


Debbie said...

I love Nathan! I could just picture that!

I had the same thing with Kyle... couldn't get him in that crib for anything.

Hope your day is great.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

That Nathan does say the most adorable things. I still remember him calling his grapes "olives". What kind of 2 year old knows what an olive is? A pretty smart one I say!

Kris's Korner said...

It is so fun to hear about what the little people say. It is even more fun to write it down. Enjoy them now they get so big so fast.

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden Nathan seems so much older... He is so cute! Malachi is getting so big and he is such a happy baby!