Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is the diagnosis

Thanks for all who have prayed for Grandpa Parker. Here is what happened yesterday. He has pancreatic cancer a tumor on his pancreas that is 3x2 size (which is large) and spots on his liver and has entered the blood vessels (I think). It is a fast moving cancer. He is terminal. On a good day he could live for 6 months (the doctor said) but, he has given this diagnoses to others before and some have lived for 3 weeks or for a number of years. He will start chemo after the holidays to help control some of the cancer. After the chemo they will take a cell count to see how his body is responding they will try other things if he doesn't respond well but after they try those things and his body will not respond there will be nothing they can do. He was encouraged to eat, eat and eat. I think he has lost 4-6 lbs in the last month. He doesn't have a good appetite and his blood sugar can go so low that he gets real bad shakes. (He is not very vocal when this happens). So you can pray for more time to be able to visit, and that he will be comfortable and not in pain and that we all get to talk a lot before he goes to heaven.


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you all!!! If there is anything I can do, let me know. Love ya!

Trish said...

We will keep you and your family in our prayers. Much love xoxo

Debbie said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying for these things. Love ya.