Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yesterday I tried to do grocery shopping with my two babies and thought well made it to the store and put the groceries in the shopping cart and made it home success! Only to get home and put a few of the groceries away and bring the kids in. Went back to get a few more groceries only to find out my dear darling 2yr old decided to lock the door and my keys were on the counter. Well thank goodness my neighbor was outside so I could use her phone and was able to call my sister who had a key to my house. Thank You Jesus that my kids were ok. So, everyone with little children be careful when you bring groceries into the house. (By the way this was the first time he touched the door lock). One day this will be a funny story! My neighbor said her kids did the same thing. I was among friends. Ha, Ha


Anonymous said...

Jake did the same thing to me once. Thank God for neighbors with spare keys.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Bless your heart! I think you will have to change your blog name soon to "The Adventures of Momma Parker!"

Debbie said...

I am glad that the kids were okay. I can just picture that cute little face when he was locking the door!

R. L. Evans said...

man oh man donna...that is one of my greatest fears...I'm so thankful that your neighbor was there so you could get in right away - Thank you Jesus for your protection of Malachi and Nathan!

Kim said...

I'm glad to hear the kids were okay! and how wonderful that your neighbor and sister were there to help.

Kris's Korner said...

I'm glad everyone is ok. That is one of my fears as well. Thank the Lord someone else had a key. Have a great week.