Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. That Saturday before Mother's Day I worked and worked wiping down my dining room and kitchen floor. It had been a while to get that deep down dirt up and my mother&father-in-law were coming over for Mother's Day. I really enjoyed cleaning, Daddy had Nathan and Ashley and Andrew were out. Malachi did a pretty good job of sleeping(thank you Jesus) so, I just kept cleaning. On Mother's Day I received a very special gifts; some roses and a GPS. I couldn't believe it a GPS, I know what you are thinking it is one of those things people really don't need. I think that way too, but if you knew how many field trips that I take you would really understand. (My kids don't think those field trips are fun) I always tell my kids we are on a field trip when I am lost. Now I just have to figure that thing out. It's no fun being turned around and then you are lost. Please pray for my mom (Judy) today I get to take her to the doctor for some testing. Tuesday she is schedule for catract surgery. Hopefully in the process she will be able to get to see Malachi today (she still hasn't seen him yet) & don't forget to pray about the teen rally for Saturday. Pray that Ashley will be able to get some friends to come. Thanks for all your prayers. Have a great day!


Debbie said...

I hope the appointment went well. I have been praying for the event and I hope her friends will come.

Kim said...

I hope testing went well for your mom, and that she enjoyed seeing the littlest one.